Monday, December 8, 2014

It’s Motto Time Again

by Catherine Giordano

Every year I choose an annual motto. The motto inspires me to attain the goals I have set for myself. I wrote about the importance of mottos in an article: Motto for Life 

Last year my motto was “Stay the course.” 

Each year in December I start thinking about what my motto will be or the coming year. I don’t so much choose a motto as let the motto choose me. Every year my motto finds me. Would it happen again this year.  

Yesterday I found my motto. I went to a concert given by David Roth. (  He’s a delightful songwriter, folksinger, and dare I say, philosopher. He sang a song about making changes. He sang “This is the Year…”
"Worry Less, Live More "is a great motto.
CLICK HERE to see more tee's with mottos.
·         for making changes.

·         for letting go

·         for following my dream

·         for living fully

He added, “Give it a try” and “Practice makes progress.”

My motto is in there. I’ve set my unconscious to simmer, and in a couple of weeks, I’ll know what my motto for 2015 is.

Do you want to know more about mottos, including how to find your own motto? Read my article, Motto for Life.

Update for 2016
Yesterday I found my motto for for 2016.  it was a phrase used by a speaker at a Unitarian Universalist service. The phrase is "Turning to Wonder." I think that phrase has so many different meanings--from be curious to be in awe of the universe. It means stop and think about things deeply. It means look for silver linings. It means keep your thinking fluid. I'm sure I'll discover more as the year goes on. 

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