Monday, June 30, 2014

Mary Burton Puts Me in the FWA Top Ten Again

I'm so excited to share the news.  My story "Te Amo" has put me in the Florida Writers Association top ten for the second year in a row.

Every year the FWA does an anthology for creative writing and poetry. They get about 200 entries and judges review these entries in a blind judging to select the 60 that will appear in the book. I announced that I had won the first round about a month ago.  (See the blog post.)

Today I learned I also won the second round of judging. Mary Burton, a best selling author was the judge this year. (Every year a different best-selling author is asked to judge the entries.) out of the 60 entries that are selected in round 1, she picks the ten that she thinks are the best.

Mary Burton is a terrific author of suspense thrillers, spiced with romance.  I have read some of her books including The Seventh Victim, and I definitely recommend it as a "good read."  And Mary Burton liked my story!  I'm so thrilled!

I've been doing so much writing. It is wonderful to validated with an honor.  Alas, the win gives me honor, but no money.  I have to figure out how I can start earning money from my writing.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

What's Your Motto?

I did another article for HubPages.  Why?  You'll know why if you know what my motto is.  You'll know what my motto is if you take a look at the article.  CLICK HERE to see the article.

I hope people are interested in mottos because I spent just about the entire day writing it. 

Please enjoy the article, do the little poll in the article, and tell me your motto in the comments section.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Found Poetry Revival

Found Poems Collage
My second post for HubPages is about found poetry in general and about my news print poetry project.  Naturally, I included a link to my News Print Poetry 2012 blog.

Suddenly traffic to my poetry blog skyrocketed from a handful of visits a day because I rarely post new stuff  to nearly 100 in a day.  Recycling creativity.
CLICK HERE to see my HubPages article. You'll find a good explanation of found poetry and also some how-to tips.   I even did my own blackout poem especially for the article.  You can see it in the article.
Now I can't wait to see if I sell some books.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sharecropping Words

I’m trying something new with my writing—sharecropping. 

It is called HubPages.  It works like this. I plant an article in the HubPages field and I get a percentage of the sales. 

Without the tortured metaphor, it means I write an article and post it on the HubPages website. HubPages gets advertising revenue and affiliate sales from the web page with my content and I get 60% of that revenue. 

I posted my first article yesterday. Today I saw I had earned one cent. 

Help me get this off to a good start. Click this link to see my article: Understanding Tarot. I think I did a nice job explaining the history and practice. 

At the end of the article, there is a little poll about whether or not you think psychics are real. Take the poll—it will improve my ranking.  

If you want to be really nice, leave a comment. Comments improve my ranking. But even if you do nothing but click, it will help my ranking. Please click.
If you are a writer and want to try this, contact me. I’ll be glad to help you can started. (There’s a lot to learn and it would have saved me a lot of time if I had had someone to explain it.) And you’ll be helping me earn by letting me make a referral.

Please tweet, like and share this post.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dear Loyal Reader

Dear Loyal Reader:
I want to thank the loyal reader who used a link on one of my posts to buy something from yesterday. I don't know who you are, but you made my day. It's a little endorphin jolt every time I see that someone was nice enough to use my link.   

And a big thank you to everyone else who has used my links. I appreciate it a lot.

And now a request to the rest of my loyal readers or even random people who have stumbled upon my posts:

If you want to buy any of these books, you will click on the amazon shopping cart at the top right of this post first so I can earn a little omission from amazon, won’t you? I totally appreciate your clicks. 

Also as a loyal reader, you will share, tweet, like, and even leave a comment, won’t you? I thank you in advance for your kind support.

With Love,

Your Devoted Blogger